A: Here are several Photo Resizing Strategies I use.
Email resizing: In iPhoto, it is easy to select several images and click on the email icon. When Apple Mail launches, a window pops up and asks what size you want to send the images as....using that menu, I select small and compose the message. After that, the images resolve in the message, and I select all the images, then control click and select Save Attachment to the desktop. This is how I do it.
Export: You can export photos from an album or your entire iPhoto library to send them to others or import them into other applications.
If you opt to use this iPhoto Export feature, I here's a clearly written site:
http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=294 This is a excellent "steps page".
Third Party Apps:
The newest photo editing tool I have found that has a great free collage creating tool is Google's Picasa 3.0 Beta for Mac. My students like it too. It has built-in templates to modify the layout and auto scrambling of the images.
Picasa has a few other great features like photo effects and photo slideshow movies with basic titles and captions. It is very easy to use. 6th graders just turn it on and go with it.
This app is a simple program designed to resize a folder of pictures in one step. It's faster and easier to use than generic graphic programs... and it's free!
Comic Life
Bruce Ketcham, middle school history teacher and coach has been using Comic Life to create photo collages and add hip looking titles. His photo collages are mostly from his sports teams. I would love to be able to take these to a commercial photo processor and have posters made for the kids-- need to sell some bottles or aluminum cans I guess to make some extra cash to cover the cost. Comic Life integrates with iPhoto and images are re sized to fit the boxes or panes in the templates in the comic strips when you drag and drop the photos, they pop right in place. Titles can be quickly added with a variety of font styles that can be customized in a snap. Comic Life is not free, but is just a wonderfully flexible tool, I highly recommend it for laptop using classrooms. Students and teachers can invent ways to use
Comic Life that are sure to dazzle and amaze the none believers.