Sunday, August 18, 2013

Managing USB cables: Classroom iPad Cart

This may not be a tip for everyone but it if you are using laptop carts to store and charge Apple iPads, this is what I have tries to organize my charger cables.

Researching the topic was not easy. Googling the topic USB cables and about any type of search I could dream up was pointless. I have learned to use YouTube to search for "how tos". 

However, the best solution I could find for how to wrap up or roll these Apple lightning cables was to use a $4 cable gadget. I liked it, but I have 650 iPads. 

So, this nylon strap may be the best. 

I tried rubber bands, but they dry out during the school year and have to be replaced. Baggy or twist ties was suggested. However, the wire in these ties requires too much time to attach. 

Nylon zip ties are strong and easy to apply. The photo below illustrates what it looks like. 

This looks better than the rubber bands I used in this cart. 
I need to rework this cart. Remove the rubber bands and then tie them with the nylon ties.
Here's the video: It shows how to pull the cable in its factory wrapper so the nylon zip tie can be attached.

Here is what the cables should look like in the cart.

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