Wednesday, August 03, 2005

20 basic technology skills for educators?

Just a few weeks before week start back to work, and I ran across this interesting article by Laura Turner, in the Journal. From reading Alan Levines's CogDogBlog, he "barks" about the inclusion of Zip disks and lack of "social networking tools, the personal creation tools, the information consumption skills that are to me much more important." As I scan this list, I think back to all the teachers that have asked me to help the fix their computer and all that was wrong with it was the janitor had unplugged it during the summer so he could move the cart it was on to sweep the spider webs from under the cart and buff the floor before school started.

My concern is more how these skills on this list can help teachers do their job. The list is annotated. To the classroom teacher, time is money. KISS--keep it simple stupid works for me. Now, if my fellow educators can find the time to read this list and reflect on how they can use technology to enhance the positive behavior of all their problem children and kids that come to school hungery, not for knowledge, but for anything but.

Here are 20 basic technology skills that all educators should now have:

Word Processing Skills
Spreadsheets Skills
Database Skills
Electronic Presentation Skills
Web Navigation Skills
Web Site Design Skills
E-Mail Management Skills
Digital Cameras
Computer Network Knowledge Applicable to your School System
File Management; Windows Explorer Skills
Downloading Software From the Web (Knowledge including eBooks)
Installing Computer Software onto a Computer System
WebCT or Blackboard Teaching Skills
Videoconferencing skills
Computer-Related Storage Devices (Knowledge: disks, CDs, USB drives, zip disks, DVDs, etc.)
Scanner Knowledge
Knowledge of PDAs
Deep Web Knowledge
Educational Copyright Knowledge
Computer Security Knowledge

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