Sunday, April 23, 2006

NWA Magazine Cover - First Edition

NWA Magazine Cover #1
Originally uploaded by The Blake Slate.
Here is a neat activity for the day you return from spring break. Have your students use a digital camera and take a group of images of a classroom activity or have them write a short paragraph of what they did during their break. Then have them exchange their paragraphs in class and ask the student that read the paragraph to come up with a headline for a magazine article. Use a picture that the students judge as the best one of the ones they take in class, and use that for the cover of the magazine. Follow this link to fd's Flickr Toys and let them create a magazine cover and print it out. Collect them and post them on your classroom door. Make sure they did not slip any profanity or gang signs into the mix. Note the gold fronts one of my darlings is sporting in the example. I will not print this one out. I will display this one on screen as a focus point as they enter my classroom using the digital projector.

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